Business Development Support

Excel Business Solutions

Excel Business Solutions

You’re already paying for MS Excel, right? Did you know that MS Excel can solve an impressive number of your internal business organisation and data management needs…

So why pay for an expensive off-the-shelf product that probably has more bells and whistles than you actually need, and that you will have to adapt your workflow to? Why not have a business solution tailor-made? Something that does exactly what you need, and that uses software you already own!

Sound good? Get in touch. We can do that for you. Our scoping discussion is free of charge, and the project itself will come in much cheaper than any other alternative you can imagine. What’s more our solutions pay for themselves in a matter of months with the time they will save you.

See our pricing schedules below (note, these schedules might be out of date and are non-contractual. Please check with us for final quotations!)


A “standalone” solution exists as a separate .xlsx file on each computer. It can be copied and shared like any other file. It is intended for individual operator use without need of coordinated data between users.


A networked solution is one that is integrated with your Sharepoint system (for example) and that provides a single database-style solution for multiple users. This kind of file cannot generally be moved or renamed. Multiple users can access it, but it behaves more like an application than a document.