Business Development Support

Training & Assessment

Training & Assessment

Do you need to upskill your staff on a new piece of software or a new workplace policy or procedure? Do you need to develop onboarding or other training materials that can become a part of your normal corporate training package? Are you a training organisation that needs to develop or update your training materials?

H C Maia have over 30 years’ experience in designing and implementing teaching and assessment materials in tertiary educational and corporate contexts. We have the experience and qualifications required to develop training packages for accreditation with Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). We are not ourselves an RTO, but we have the expertise to develop materials that conform to ASQA standards.

Our principal, Dr Harrison, has been a tertiary educator and corporate trainer, as well as a member of an Industry Reference Committee (IRC) participating directly in the design of Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) materials.

We can also train your staff in the use of the materials that we have developed, either face to face, via teleconference or through webinars or instructional videos.